Turkish Aerospace Inc, after the nationalization movement in 2005, had its first rapid growth period to become visible in the international arena as Turkey's leading aviation and space center.

With the satisfaction of their internal and external stakeholders in mind, Turkish Aerospace moves towards its goals as a company offering many products to our country and friendly countries in defense and aviation, as well as ever strengthening its technology direction and engineering infrastructure. Being the 61st company among the international aviation and space companies by 2017, our company forms its strategies around the goal of reaching 10-Billion $ turnover in 2027.


To achieve our vision and mission, we have shaped our roadmap around the following three main axes. These axes are product development to become a global player, income for sustainability, achievement of a subscribed business volume and satisfaction of the stakeholder expectations by corporate governance.


Product Development

Technology Development

Business Volume / Income


Strategic Development Areas

Developing the Supply Chain

Strengthening the Corporate Structure

Affiliate Management

Customer Satisfaction

Shareholder Satisfaction

Employee Development

Supply Chain Communication

Social and Environmental Responsibilities

To become a technology pioneer and a global brand in aerospace industry with our unique products and competitive advantage.
We provide innovative, sustainable and unique solutions that serve the strategic objectives of our country and empower our national and global stakeholders in the field of defense and aerospace.
Honest and Trustworthy, Productive, Technology Driven and Innovative, Lifelong Learner, Sustainability Awareness, Adding Value to Our Stakeholders
Energy Policy

Turkish Aerospace aims to increase the energy efficiency awareness of its stakeholders by complying with the relevant legal and other requirements; It aims to continuously improve energy performance through design and energy efficient purchasing activities that will improve energy performance, reduce energy costs and ensure long-term environmental and economic sustainability by investing in renewable energy resources.


TA_Energy Policy



Occupational Health And Safety Policy

We are committed to ensuring employee participation with the principle of continuous improvement in accordance with the regulations and other requirements, consult with employees and create a healthy and safe working environment relevant to the company's purpose, size, context, Occupational Health and Safety risks and nature of opportunities and free from occupational accidents and diseases. 


Please click here to view our policy


Please click here to view our certificate

Human Resources Policy

Providing, developing a highly qualified human resource developing technology to our Country and Company, and ensuring the sustainability of the commitment to our vision and values.

Technology and Innovation Management Policy

To contribute to the development of our Company and country by identifying the technologies that will shape the aerospace and defense sector, provide competitive advantage, and taketoday's and future customer needs into account, acquiring and disseminating them by Turkish Aerospace through approaches such as R&D, innovation, technology transfer, intellectual property protection of assets, in compliance with relevant laws, regulations and other conditions, with the principle of continuous improvement.


Industrialization Policy

Focusing on our core process and capabilities to outsource non-essential processes. In this context, maximizing the use of domestic auxiliary industry capabilities and developing new capabilities, creating a global supply chain that supports the integrated systems and original products.

Quality Policy

To meet or exceed the standards of excellence in compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements in design, manufacturing and post-delivery activities of air vehicle and space systems and their subsystems and parts for commercial and military use to assure the stakeholder satisfaction through first time quality and continual improvement.


Our Quality Management System Certificates

AQAP 2110

AQAP 2310

AS 9100D

AS 9110C

ISO 9001_2015


Safety Policy

Managing the aviation safety risks with all our stakeholders in accordance with regulations and requirements in a safety-driven environment to continuously improve the safety performance.

Environmental and Climate Change Policy

To ensure pollution prevention by reducing environmental impacts of all processes in accordance with legal and  other requirements through continuous improvement principle in the areas of aerospace and defense industry, and to make contribution to environmental sustainability by considering tackling with climate change.


TA_Environmental and Climate Change Policy

TUSAŞ 2021_CDP İklim Değişikliği Raporu

TUSAŞ 2022_CDP İklim Değişikliği Raporu

TUSAŞ 2023_CDP Climate Change and Water Report

TUSAŞ 2021_ISO 14064 Karbon Ayak İzi Doğrulama Belgesi

TUSAŞ 2022_ISO 14064 Karbon Ayak İzi Doğrulama Belgesi

TUSAŞ 2023_ISO 14064 Karbon Ayak İzi Doğrulama Belgesi

TA_ ISO 14001 Environmental Management System Certificate


Information Technologies Service Management Policy

Turkish Aerospace in accordance with the business processes, accessibility and high quality, reliable Information Technology products and services as soon as possible and ensure customer satisfaction by providing continuous improvement approach.


Please click here to view our certifications.

Information Security Policy

Instituting technological solutions and processes with competent human resources via continuous improvement approach to provide confidentiality, integrity and availability of Turkish Aerospace information assets, ensure compliance with legal requirements, and increase information security awareness of Turkish Aerospace stakeholders.


Please click here to view our certifications.


To protect water resources with sustainable practices, to ensure effective use of water and to cooperate with stakeholders in our value chain in this regard, by considering responsible production and consumption approach in all business processes in the field of aerospace and defense industry.


Water Policy

TUSAŞ 2021_CDP Su Güvenliği Raporu

TUSAŞ 2022_CDP Su Güvenliği Raporu

TUSAŞ 2023_CDP Climate Change and Water Report

TUSAŞ 2022_ISO 14046 Su Ayak İzi Doğrulama Belgesi

TUSAŞ 2023_ISO 14046 Su Ayak İzi Doğrulama Belgesi