Futures Thinking and

TA (Turkish Aerospace) analyzes future technologies, technology concepts, systems and/or sub-technologies using Foresight Analysis methodologies. Future Thinking and Foresight Analysis aim to develop technology policies that foster a competitive future in the aerospace and defense sector. This is achieved by analyzing possible, plausible, probable and preferable future scenarios through structured approach. This approach can be defined as a set of techniques that help identify the forces shaping the future, explore their consequences and discover the technologies that will shape the future based on the information obtained.


Our company develops methodologies that identify and analyze weak and strong signals in order to understand future trends and uncertainties through Future Thinking and Foresight Analysis. We conduct comprehensive future scenario analyses to predict technology development and future directions. Additionally, we create innovative methodologies and analysis tools for technology foresght processes; and organizes programs, events and trainings to disseminate the culture of Future Thinking, in order to strengthen the sector’s future vision. Our training programs are delivered by our teams both to internal employees and as an undergraduate course at the university, titled  Futures Literacy and Foresight Analysis”.


Both internal and external resources are utilized in applying Foresight methodologies. Technology foresight and future workshop activities are conducted with national and international stakeholders. Reports resulting from foresight analyses are prepared and disseminated to the relevant authorities within and outside the company. Our company took part in in the methodology development processes, the management and executive boards of the GHOST (Technologies Shaping the Operational Environment of the Future) scenario competition, which was held for the first time in 2023 by the Presidency of the Republic of Türkiye, Secretariat of Defense Industries (SSB). This competition aimed to identify the defense technologies that are poised to shape the future and require current investment, as well as to reveal potential new technologies and concepts that have been overlooked or under-emphasized.  Foresight methodologies were also applied in the GREAT (Future Competitive Education and Research Technologies) Future Workshop process, which was organized in 2024 under the auspices of SSB, in partnership with SSB Academy and TA. The GREAT Future Workshop aims to explore the future potential and impact of educational technologies and significant developments in this field, contributing to medium and long-term visioning studies and action plan inputs through analyzing trends.


Weak signals, technology trends, mega trends and future scenarios identified within the scope of Foresight Analysis activities in our company are recorded and disseminated through the Information Center which is designed as a digital platform within the company. The primary task of this center is to ensure that the information and analysis obtained from foresight analyses are distributed throughout the company.


In order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Technology Foresight processes, we have been adopted a framework to design and develop methodologies, advanced analysis tools and integrated systems, and align the identified technology areas with our company's Technology Roadmap.


As a result of Future Thinking and Foresight, we can identify technologies, alternative futures scenarios and future projections that may impact our national interests. This enables us to conduct planning and networking activities that bring together various stakeholders through structured group work.