University-industry collaboration is a partnering method in which trained manpower in the universities and industrial opportunities come together to carry out R&D tasks and mutually beneficial activities. Through this way of working, universities benefit from industrial experience, industry makes use of rich human capital and R&D potential, inherent in the universities. The development of technology out of scientific knowledge, dissemination of information, improving the quality and reliability of the products, increasing product variety, meeting customer needs on time, even managing these requirements, benefit from this business model.
TUSAS Industries, Inc. (TUSAS) aims to improve the transfer of information between institutions, since it is believed that university-industry collaboration activities constitute the most important stage of R&D activities. Hence, university-industry collaboration helps to capture the rapidly advancing technology, to develop indigenous and competitive products.
Our company, in line with the mission to lead our country's aerospace industry, gives utmost importance to the university-industry collaborations to improve research, technology development, and education and training activities. "Ensuring Sustainable Growth and Profit" was one of the items in TUSAS's 2012-2016 Strategic Plan; to fulfill this objective "Strengthening the Institutional Structure" has been set as a target. One of the sub-targets of this objective is defined as "Supporting the Corporate Structure through University, Research Organization and Industry Collaborations."
Our company, having established road-map for projects, to be carried out with partnership with the universities and academic institutions, has begun to sign collaboration protocols with universities for education and research activities. Within the scope of these protocols, meetings and workshops with university departments, research centers and academic staff are being held and ideas for concrete cooperation projects are studied.
In addition to research and technology development with universities, education and training protocols are signed for basic and advanced engineering courses specifically shaped for our staff. Further discussions are ongoing with academic institutions. In addition, our staff is supported and encouraged for their post-graduate studies in line with prioritized technology areas in TUSAS Technology Roadmap. Within this context, around 200 of our personnel attend to post-graduate studies in this context.
Within the scope of the Scientific and Technological Collaboration, the activities conducted with universities are listed below.
Within the scope of Indigenous Helicopter Program Contract signed between Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) and TUSAS Industries, Inc. (TUSAS) on June 26, 2013, Rotary Wing Technology Center has been launched at METU Technopark Facility. This center aims to improve R&D and acquisition of technologies in the area of helicopter, to enhance university-industry collaboration, and to contribute human resources qualified in the area of helicopter technologies in the long term. Rotary Wing Research Center was established in order to develop unavailable technologies in our country and in the world.
Within this scope, the project topics having priorities were identified in line with TUSAS Rotary Wing Technology Road Map by SSM and TUSAS. In accordance with these topics, project contracts have been signed and activities are being carried out with various universities.
The Researcher Training Program for Defence Industry (SAYP) aims to make the knowledge transfer between defence industry companies and universities more systematic in line with the priorities of the defence industry and under the guidance of SSM. In addition, the program aims to structure the postgraduate thesis prepared in the universities by the people working in the defence industry companies in a way to comply with the R&D needs of the companies and to direct the said thesis to priority areas of the defence industry sector. In line with R&D strategies in the priority areas of defence industry, the graduate students are trained as skilled R&D personnel through the opportunities provided by the defence industry companies.
Within this scope, the protocols have been signed with Middle East Technical University (METU), Gazi University, Ankara University, TOBB ETU, Gebze Technical University, Bilkent University and Air Force Academy. The projects were initiated under these protocols.
Research studies determined and launched in accordance with TUSAS Technology Roadmap are carried out with universities in terms of university-industry collaboration programs generated by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)-Technology and Innovation Support Programs within the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology; and in terms of new generation research programs of European Union such as Research and Innovation Framework Program Horizon 2020 and CleanSky-2. Within those research studies, it is accessed to the researchers through the Technology Transfer Office and President's Office (Rectorate) of universities. If required, common research subjects are determined by organizing workshops and inviting experts in related areas (Rotary Wing Technology Center Workshop-14 March 2014, Nanotechnology Workshop-6 sessions in 2015, Space/Satellite Technology and Applications Workshop, 11-12 November 2015).
Within this context, experts for the planned research can be accessed through technology transfer offices, information days and workshops organized by universities. Alternatively, research subjects determined in Technology Center are announced by TUSAS-PROSIS Project Management System. PROSIS can be reached from the link below and by PROSIS, current research topics can be followed and project proposals can be prepared.