The HÜRKUŞ Mission Aircraft has been equipped with mission capabilities based on the New Generation Basic Trainer Aircraft. It has been developed with an indigenous design to perform combat training, weapons training, and special mission training.
The HÜRKUŞ Mission Aircraft aims to fulfill pilot training requirements and to serve in light attack and armed reconnaissance missions with low cost and high precision.
The HÜRKUŞ Mission Aircraft, a light attack and armed reconnaissance variant, provides a cost-effective and flexible solution against asymmetric threats on today's battlefields. Preserving the advanced training capabilities of the HÜRKUŞ Basic Trainer Aircraft, it enables users to undertake challenging missions in high-altitude and demanding terrains, day and night, with its five external load stations, indigenous and national avionic suites and equipment, EO/IR Camera, 2.75” Laser Guided Missiles, External Fuel Tank, Smart Micro Munitions, Counter Measure Dispensing System (CMDS), Semi-Prepared Runway Operation capability, and a substantial payload capacity of up to 650 kg.
The first export has already been made to the Nigerian Air Force, followed by deliveries to the Chadian Air Force. The Mission Aircraft variant has accumulated more than 1,000 hours of mission flights.