The KAAN Development Project, initiated with the aim of producing a domestically designed and developed fighter aircraft to replace the F-16 aircraft in the inventory of the Turkish Air Force Command, which are planned to be phased out gradually starting from the 2030s, is led by Turkish Aerospace as the main contractor.


Through the acquisition of advanced technologies such as low observability, internal weapon bays, high maneuverability, enhanced situational awareness, and sensor fusion—key features of a next-generation aircraft—Türkiye is positioning itself among the limited number of nations, including the USA, Russia, and China, capable of producing 5th-generation fighter jets.


Turkish Fighter KAAN Development Project Agreement was signed with the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) on August 5, 2016. Since then, efforts have been carried out in collaboration with all stakeholders, primarily the main contractor, Turkish Aerospace. The current agreement covers the preliminary design phase, which is a critical part of the development and production process. This phase aims to design the aircraft, develop engineering and testing infrastructure, advance certification processes, and build capabilities for fighter jet design and development.


In line with the project’s main objectives, Turkish Aerospace is making maximum use of national resources to enhance the country’s knowledge and experience in the design, production, integration, certification, maintenance, and sustainment of fighter jets.


Turkish Fighter KAAN, a 5th-generation aircraft, offers superior capabilities for both air-to-air and air-to-ground combat missions. As a powerful and agile platform with high survivability developed by Turkish Aerospace, Turkish Fighter KAAN stands out as a formidable fighter with its advanced and intelligent combat capabilities.


Cutting-edge engineering tools and methods are employed in the testing activities and optimization of aerodynamic geometry, a critical step in the KAAN Development Project.


The cockpit design of KAAN is refined to minimize pilot workload while incorporating the capabilities and equipment required in 5th-generation fighter aircraft. The design process considers physical, cognitive, and environmental factors to create a cockpit environment that enhances the pilot’s situational awareness.


Following the completion of production and assembly activities for the first prototype of Turkish Fighter KAAN, ground testing began. After completing the testing phase, KAAN successfully performed its maiden flight on February 21, 2024, staying airborne for 13 minutes. During this flight, KAAN reached an altitude of 8,000 feet and a speed of 230 knots.


KAAN’s second test flight took place on May 6, 2024, lasting 14 minutes, during which it climbed to 10,000 feet and reached a speed of 230 knots.


KAAN achieves air superiority with:

• Extended air-to-air combat range through advanced weaponry,

• Precise and accurate strikes from internal weapon bays at high/supersonic speeds,

• Enhanced combat power supported by artificial intelligence and neural networks.

3D Model Loading
High Situational Awareness

High situational awareness supported by fast data transfer between advanced on-board sensors and other operational elements. Instant and effective transfer of the image of the operation area to mission elements.

Optimized Pilot Workload

Decision support needed by the pilot in the complex warfare environment through effective man and machine teaming and integrated pilot interfaces, and reduced mission-focused pilot workload through sensor fusion and increased automation.

Combat Damage Detection

Damage detection in the operation area during combat and reporting to the pilot by advanced systems.

New Generation Mission Systems

With high performance Radar, Electronic Warfare, Electro-Optical, Communication, Navigation and Identification capabilities designed by local and national means for high mission success goals under all conditions and threats, automatic target recognition and detection maximizing the pilot's 360 degree situational awareness, and with multi-data fusion and artificial intelligence, new generation mission systems providing the pilot superiority at decision level at the combat field.

Joint Operability With Other Elements

Operable with the air, land and sea elements of the Turkish Armed Forces such as F-16, Airborne Warning and Control System (HIK), Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Atak, as well as with the elements of friendly nations.

Low Observability And Infrared Trace

Low Radar and Infrared Trace of the KAAN in accordance with the future combat environment.

Sensor And Data Fusion Supported Firing

Precise striking capability thanks to the firing control system supported by advanced sensors and the compilation of different incoming data in accordance with the future combat concept.

Short Mission Preparation Time

Short mission preparation time between two missions to increase the number of effective sorties.

Easy Maintenance

With an on-board testing capability and disassembly-assembly approach, easy and fast care and maintenance.

Sustainable Lifecycle Support

With an approach of “Design the Support and Support the Design”, planning and easy and quick performance of maintenance and operation operations from the design phase throughout its lifecycle.

Cost Effective Lifecycle Support

Highly reliable systems with a low failure frequency, and cost effective lifecycle support using the most cost-effective solution with the public-private cooperation.

Dimensions / Weight
Wing Span
13,4 m

(46 ft)

20,3 m

(66 ft)

5 m

(16 ft)

Engine Thrust Class
2x 29.000 lb
Maximum Speed
1,8 Mach
Service Ceiling
55.000 ft
Positive / Negative G Limits
+9g / 3,5g