Under the program, 109 T70 Utility Helicopters, based on Sikorsky Aircraft’s S70i model, will be developed and delivered to six different end-users in Türkiye under a licensed production model. The main contractor is Turkish Aerospace, with Sikorsky, Aselsan, TEI, and Alp Aviation serving as subcontractors. The end-users include the Land Forces Command, Air Force Command, Special Forces Command, Gendarmerie General Command, General Directorate of Security, and General Directorate of Forestry.
As the main contractor, Turkish Aerospace is responsible for manufacturing key components of the T70 helicopters, including the cabin, cockpit, tail cone, horizontal and vertical tails, main and tail rotor blades, as well as conducting final assembly, testing, and providing integrated logistics support. Aselsan handles the development and integration of essential avionics and, together with Sikorsky, develops the helicopter cockpit (IMAS). TEI produces the T70-TEI-701D engines, while Alp Aviation manufactures and assembles landing gear, gearbox detail parts, and dynamic components.
Through the Turkish Utility Helicopter Program, Türkiye’s general-purpose helicopter needs are being met, and the T70 plays a significant role in addressing domestic requirements for both military and civilian applications. To date, 22 helicopters have been delivered, and the production process for the remaining helicopters is ongoing.